Net-translations is a translation and multimedia company.
Since we have a pool of trusted and highly qualified freelance and in-house native linguists, we translate between all language pairs. Our pool of linguists are specialised in any technical area (such as legal, marketing, corporate, medical and so on).
We also deal with certified translations, the maintenance and translation of static and dynamic websites, software and multimedia localisation, voice-over, subtitles and transcriptions. Net-translations follows a specific workflow in accordance with each customer’s needs that can require the creation and application of terminological databases, translation memories, style guides and glossaries.
Our business line for multimedia content, Dreamtech5, specialises in 3D animations and VR technology in the automotive, aeronautic, health, energy, infrastructure, medical device and consumer sectors. Dreamtech5 is based in Molina de Segura, near Murcia (Spain), where we are also expanding our translation project management team.
Net has an in-house team composed of 15 people with various kinds of expertise: project managers, translators, graphic designers, web programmers, engineers and professionals with an extensive track record in creating 3D content for technical environments.